Weekly outline

    Study weeks:

    PT223 Spiritual Formation: The Untroubled Heart 

    We are happy to have you here!

    Make yourselves at home!


    Dear Students from India and South Asia! 

    Welcome to the Course "Spiritual Formation: The Untroubled Heart".  We hope and pray you will have a wonderful experience studying with us and complete this course successfully!

    The very first thing we expect you to do is to follow our weekly schedule. We strongly encourage you to complete your lessons within the suggested time frame, which will require maintaining the pace outlined in your course materials. It is recommended that you take a genuine effort in regular forum participation. This allows an opportunity to learn from other students and enrich their learning experience by your views, ideas and discoveries, as you navigate through the course together.

    Before you get started, please, review the Course Description and the Course Schedule.

    Updates on your group activities, further instructions and other relevant information will be available at “Announcements” forum page.

    If you have any questions or messages to the course tutor, please, do this on  “Ask a question” forum page. While the tutor will provide you with support during the course, you should be aware of the self-discipline required for the successful study.

    You are welcome to submit your prayer requests to «Prayer Room» forum page.


      Before you get to the lessons, it is paramount that you review the course description and the timetable. They provide important information about the topics and readings, the required assignments and their purpose, etc.

    • FORUMS

    • What does the Bible say about the heart and conversion?

      When we don't understand how spiritual heart works, we have problems and difficulties. This week  Dennis Kizziar:

      - shares a clear understanding of the definition of the heart;
      - talks about the dimensions of the heart;
      - explains how God diagnoses the heart;
      - looks at the biblical descriptions of the heart;
      - explores the devastation of the heart;

      - talks about three dimensions of the heart where spiritual conversion takes place;
      - explains the meaning of conviction, illumination, internalization and confession;
      - looks at the problem of being converted but not consecrated;
      - shares interesting illustrations from his personal experience.

    • How can you free the changed heart from guilt, bitterness and anxiety?

      Hearts must be free from guilt, bitterness and anxiety. This week Dennis Kizziar:

      - focuses on some possible reasons for guilt feelings and shares some stories about people who carried a heavy burden of guilt;

      shares  powerful reminders of God's grace which describe the extent of His forgiveness;

      - explains how bitterness develops and makes us prisoners of our own making;

      - explores the Scriptures and examine the steps that will enable us to put aside our feelings and move in God's will, enabling Him - to forgive us and wipe away the stain of bitterness on our hearts;

      - looks at the definition of worry and focuses on the spiritual solution to freeing an anxious heart;

      - teaches some effective ways of cultivating an attitude of gratitude and rediscovering the joy and peace of an untroubled heart.

      Restricted Not available unless:
    • How can you strengthen and empower the changed heart?

      After experiencing freedom from guilty feelings, bitterness and anxiety you must take some actions to strengthen your heart. This week Dennis Kizziar:

      • shares some biblical guidelines to help the believers to take care of the wellspring of life;

      • dwells on the importance of praying the prayers of the heart;

      • explains how and why we should meditate;

      • talks about the things the Holy Spirit has already done in the life of every believer and His present ministry which helps us to live with free and untroubled heart;

      • focuses on two positive and two negative commandments that will empower the believers if they obey them diligently.
      Restricted Not available unless:
      • You get a particular score in Weekly Quiz 2
      • The activity Answer if you watched and read all for the week 2 is marked complete
    • заключительная неделя

      This week is the deadline for submitting your literature review and the written assignment. These are the prerequisites to obtain the permission to take the FINAL TEST.

      Keep up the good work: "The one who is victorious I will make a pillar in the temple of my God. Never again will they leave it. I will write on them the name of my God and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem, which is coming down out of heaven from my God; and I will also write on them my new name."