2.3.The Biblical Mandate for Church Planting. Part II. (VIDEO 7 - 9:06)


Biblical evangelism cannot be separated from the church, and where churches do not exist they should be planted. In the Book of Acts we see Paul gathering new believers into churches. Church planting is essential to the fulfillment of the biblical mission. In this section of the lecture "Biblical Foundations of Church Planting" Craig Ott: 

- quotes Howard A. Snyder's statement to emphasize that  the goal of evangelism is the formation of the Christian community;

- looks at the way apostle Paul worked to prove that church planting was central to Pauline's understanding of mission; 

- points out Paul's working principle in Romans 15:18-25 and explains his remarkable claim that his pioneer work in those regions was completed; 

- shows where ecclesiology and missiology intersect. 







Last modified: Tuesday, 3 August 2021, 1:25 PM